Dominic Deegan: Orc Rape! Noses!

Dominic Deegan isn’t terribly good, really, it isn’t. The art style is childish and the story-lines are bland self-righteous blather, and if anyone knows anything about self-righteousness it’s me, because I’m basically King Troglodyte of Internet Righteousness, Supreme Overlord of Clownfarts.

The start, and what everyone hoped was the end.

Let’s do a basic recap of the amazing “universe” of Dominic Deegan, Oracle for Hire, the titular character Dominic Deegan starts out as a sarcastic git who can see the future. And then the entire plot just starts out with some bollocks about a girl with fangs and so on.

It’s suppose to be some sort of pseudo-fantasy medieval world, but hey, guess what, only the setting is medieval, the society is a weird mess of the post-modern society of today, and the ultra-oppressive society of the fucking dark ages. There’s absolutely no consistence, which can be rather jarring if you have just a basic foundation of the thirteenth centuries history and customs.

Oh how utterly random!

So it randomly flips between conflicting cultures and societies, each based purely on whatever insane thought went though the creators utterly deluded mind, it’s like watching a five year old child’s odd day dreams, just not cool.

Unless it’s Axe Cop, but only because Axe Cop is unrelentingly honest about itself.


Seriously, look at their faces! Look at them, in case you may have some difficulty reading the childish emotions of their hideous bug faces, which is admittedly rather hard, they are overjoyed by the prospect of alcohol.

A pair of grown human being, one of who is a fucking all-seeing conduit of other or some such nonsense, and the other an odd-looking cursed sorcesress of some power, are overwhelmed by sheer ecstasy by complimentary alcohol!

What the flying shit is this? Was Mookie trying to abstain from his apparent alcoholism when he wrote this drivel?

Grown adult mature people do not rejoice in eternal rapture over free fucking booze, not unless they are Irish.

Dominic Deegan pretty much hasn’t got anything else, there’s literally nothing else beyond this maniac’s deranged dream world, joyfully ignoring all the sheer dreadful horror of most of the damn world he somehow conjured up from the depraved corners of his dark soul.

You see this shit? Yeah, that’s from back in 2006 or so, that’s what, four years ago, a large improvement from his start way back in 2002, still complete bollocks, but improving.

Nothing, no change, four years of work and absolutely nothing’s changed, the storyline died ages ago, the art is stagnate.

Congratulations fans of Dominic Deegan, you’re delightfully sad webcomic is dead as a fucking stone. It’s like Mookie’s just vomiting forth the same tiresome bollocks every single weekday, just letting his adoringly tasteless fans gobble it all up.

It’s frankly astonishing.

The complete lack of any consistency in Dominic Deegan’s storyline and characters makes for a reading experience that really only a wildly schizophrenic maniac with poor self-control could ever enjoy.

The characters never really settle into anything really definable, they simply are what they are, and only change due to random acts of Deus Ex Machina, no character development beyond the utterly obvious, it’s like watching Star Trek Voyager again, just without the Emergency Medical Hologram rendering a bright light through the misery.

Oh look, a joke, right in the middle of an otherwise “serious” story about poorly organized crime in some backwater piece of crap city, how joyful.

Who thinks this shit is funny? The mentally ill? Attention-starved nerds who see themselves a talking cat?

I haven’t got a clue.

And yes, loosing any control of your rampaging emotions is a wonderful thing to do, just about as wonderful as vomiting on starving hobos and laught joyously.

I don’t think Dominic Deegan has even single character who could function in the real world, which isn’t that odd, seeing as it’s creator can’t fucking function in the real world.

Oh yeah, and before his present, “You can escape from hell by being a GOOD GUY AND REPENTING” story this mind-numbing moron’s presently working on, he made some confusing commentary on modern music being all the same and how metal is the best thing EVAAAARRRR!!!

He present the storyline roughly as good as Goering would have presented a Power Point on Woman’s Rights. For those who are unable to get obscure jokes about Nazi figure’s incompetence and womanising, go look it up.

I think that just about warp everything up, time for the final statement.

Dominic Deegan, Oracle for Hire, is the second worst webcomic I have ever had the sad misfortune of stumbling upon, it’s basically perfect demonstration of a webcomic who has died. No life remains in Dominic Deegan it’s all gone, it didn’t have much left, and it’s now just maintained by the foul Necromancy of nerds.

As an addition, I’d point out that the author, Mookie, is a horrible human being, for defending his use of rape, as a story element, in a simple-mindedly stupid comedy webcomic.

One thought on “Dominic Deegan: Orc Rape! Noses!”

  1. And yet he’s a highly successful, highly loved webcomic artist who has a huge following of fans who are able to appreciate a good storyline (assuming, unlike you, they are smart enough to pay attention) regardless of it intermediate art. You? A nameless reviewer on a website which I only found by searching “dominic deegan orcs” for an image to show my friend.
    By the way, if you bothered to read he states that he does NOT support rape, and neither does Stonewater. Read those comics and Mookie’s reasons for them if you like, but I don’t see how having rape as a story element is somehow “defending it.”
    Congratulations an attempting to make a point in this article, but your childish use of angry words and negative adjectives makes you sound like you’re having a temper tantrum, not making a valid article.
    Good day, and have fun creating a mental (or type it, I don’t care) rant about how you think my comment is irrelevant to make up for the fact that very few people don’t agree with me.;)

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